Are you a super saver?

Take our quiz to see what kind of money saver you are!

Answer these seven questions to see if you’re a super spender – or a super saver.

1. You receive some money from a relative, you

A) Immediately spend it on something you’ve had your eye on.
B) Put it in your bank account or store it away safely for the future.

2.You’re at the market and you’re down to the last bit of money you have saved this month when you see a t-shirt you like that is reasonably priced. What do you do?

A) Buy it. After all, savings are there to be spent! B) Negotiate with the seller to get an even lower price.

3.You make decisions about spending based on…

A) Your feelings. When you’re sad, nothing feels better than a little treat. B) The plans you’ve made for yourself in the future.

4. For you, money means…

A) Enjoyment and pleasure. B) Having a stable future.

5.Do you often owe friends or family members money?

A) Often – borrowing money isn’t a big deal. B) Not often – I don’t like owing people money.

6.Do you keep track of how you spend your money, by writing purchases down or keeping receipts?

A) No. B) Yes.

7.Which would you rather do?

A) Spend now, save later. B) Save now, spend later.

Now add up how many times you answered A and how many times you went with B. Then

Click here to see your answers

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